Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I become a member?

A: Sign-up here and you're in. Attend the next meeting with your $100 donation and you are officially one of the 100 Women Who Care in Fort Worth.

Q: Is membership limited to 100 women?
A: No, the idea of having 100 women involved came from our association with the 100 Who Care Alliance. There are many groups that started as 100 People organizations but have more than 100 active members.

Q: What is an active member?
A: An active member is defined as a member who has upheld their donation commitment at the most recent meeting. If you are a new member who has not yet made a donation or you missed making your donation at the last meeting, you are not eligible to nominate a non-profit for the current quarter. You may nominate a non-profit in the quarter following your last donation.

Q: How long is my commitment as a member?
A: Truly, we would love for you to make good connections and stay involved in the organization forever, but know that is a lot to ask. By joining you are committing to attending and donating at quarterly meetings, if you find that 100 Women Who Care Fort Worth is not working for your schedule, please let us know and we will remove you from communications and our membership list.

Q: What is the mission of 100 Women Who Care Fort Worth?
A: The primary mission of the organization is to create a philanthropic avenue for Fort Worth women who do not have a lot of time, want to get involved but do not know where to start, and/or feel like they are not able to make a difference alone. Secondarily, 100 Women FW seeks to bring together like-minded women from various Fort Worth circles and allow organic friendships and connections to form.

Q: Can I market my business or organization through 100 Women Who Care Fort Worth?
A: We ask that you refrain from overtly marketing your business or organization at 100 Women FW events. If you make a good business connection through casual conversation at one of our meetings, great! However, please keep in mind that first and foremost, 100 Women is a philanthropic organization not a marketing outlet.

Q: How do I nominate a non-profit for consideration by 100 Women Who Care Fort Worth?
A: Only active members (defined as a member who has upheld their donation commitment at the most recent meeting) may nominate a non-profit, so after making your first donation submit the form here and we will reach out to the non-profit to begin the process of getting them into our selection database. Non-profits may not nominate themselves unless the nomination comes directly through an active member associated with the organization.

Q: Why are only active members eligible to nominate non-profits?
A: We limit non-profit nominations to active members to help reduce the chance of abuse of the giving circle model. An active member is supporting other non-profits at each meeting, so others will be willing to support their nominated charity. Allowing new members or those who are not upholding their funding commitment to nominate increases the risk of a person using 100 Women FW as a one-way funding source rather than an actual mutual benefit giving circle.

Q: How many charities can an active member nominate?
A: We ask that active members limit nominations to one non-profit organization per quarter. This allows for a more equitable distribution of non-profits throughout membership and limits abuse of the giving circle model.

Q: Do I have to have a relationship with the non-profit I nominate?
A: You do not have to have a formal role or relationship with the non-profit, but we ask that you have good understanding of the mission and recipients of the organization prior to donating. It is also perfectly acceptable to nominate your own non-profit or a one you serve in an official capacity.

Q: What are the criteria for charities considered by 100 Women Who Care Fort Worth?
A: Any non-profit submitted for consideration by 100 Women FW must offer services primarily in Fort Worth or Tarrant County, must be a 501(c)3, and must not be part of a larger national organization. The mission limitations of the accepted non-profits are pretty flexible but the non-profit must be non-polarizing and have a policy of inclusion for those they serve. NPOs associated with political parties or candidates will not be accepted.

Q: How does 100 Women Fort Worth narrow it down to the three presenting charities at each meeting?
A: All charities are placed into the same database and assigned a number based on the order in which they were added. Two weeks prior to each meeting we use a random number generator to choose three charities from the database and invite them to present at the upcoming meeting.

Q: Is my donation tax deductible?
A: Yes, each meeting your donation will be written directly to the chosen non-profit. You will receive a tax receipt directly from the charities you donate to. 

Q: What if I want to get involved with one of the presenting non-profit organizations?
A: We would love for you to do that! We will provide all active members with a contact for the presenting non-profits after the meeting. We welcome you to reach out to the organization directly to inquire about getting more involved.

Q: What if I cannot make it to a meeting?
A: In order to give the non-profits presented at every meeting the same funding opportunities, we ask that all active members honor their commitment to give at every quarterly meeting. You may either make a plan to send your signed $100 check with a trusted fellow-100 Woman and allow her to fill in the To: line or you may contact us here and arrange for check delivery prior to the meeting.

Q: How much of my donation is used for administrative costs of running 100 Women FW?
A: ZERO. 100% of your donation is given directly to the non-profit chosen at each meeting.

Q: How can I get in touch with 100 Women Who Care Fort Worth?
A: Please email us here with any questions.

Q: What do you do with my personal information?
A: Your personal information is used to contact you for official 100 Women Who Care Fort Worth communications. We do not share you information with anyone but the non-profits who are chosen by the group. We only share with them to insure you receive proper tax documentation for your donation. We ask the non-profits do not add our membership to their donor database or communications lists.